A Newberry
award winning, classic tale of the ups and downs between neighboring families. Set in the
Florida backwoods. Many illustrations. Even the adults are barefoot much of the time.
.... "The girl took up a long broom made of brush - branches from a tree - an
swept the yard clean. Its hard, smooth surface felt good to her feet."
.... "The sun shone with merciless brightness. ... She started once more around the
plot of ground with her plow. Her bare feet were black from the mucky sand."
At school ...
...."The children stamped their bare feet on the floor to shake the sand off."
...."At first, it was fun to pick the berries. The children enjoyed being out in the
sun all day and running barefoot and having a good time while they worked... The sand
which looked so white was really black underneath. It clung to the berries, it soiled bare
legs and feet, hands and faces, dresses and overalls."
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