Who Are We ?
We are parents that see the need to promote healthy barefoot activity for our
children. To do this we need to:
There are a lot of "What
about this/What about that" kinds of questions that will be thrown at a parent
extending (and sometimes insisting on) this freedom for their children.
The answers are here. There's currently a large gap between the rational, well-informed
risk assessment that is needed and blind belief in conventional wisdom that exists.
- Inform our children.
Our children also must be made aware that, while they are certainly living in an
overly shoe-obsessed society, that it's OK to go barefoot with a little common sense. They
should be armed to deal with the myths and misinformation that others will throw at them.
We certainly do not advocate forcing ones children to go barefoot. We
understand fully that social pressures will often prevail. However, if the child wants to
go barefoot, we feel that they deserve our approval, encouragement and support. Most
will agree that young children are generally resistant to being shod. There are reasons
for this!!